Monday, February 6, 2012


I am overwhelming myself so much by all this talk about Graduate school. I am either going to OSU or UNT. I will apply to a few others just in case but I have so much to think about. Where I will live, GA position or not, close to home or far away again, roommate situation, money, out of state or instate... It is just O.V.E.R.W.H.E.L.M.I.N.G.
Hopefully I will get answers soon about the GRE test, different positions I could have, etc. I told myself that not going to grad school was not an option. I HAD to do it. NO questions, ifs, ands, or buts about it! I have had to call mom and dad numerous times freaking out trying to get everything sorted out and basically having them calm me down. Everybody should know that I get really worked up about stuff haha

Just wanted to send everybody a quick update on my crazy hectic life :)