Well, a lot of things have changed in the past 10 days. I moved back to Stillwater, left Texas, got a job in Stillwater, survived a full week of my Senior year, and went through some pretty rough times, and some pretty wonderful times.
First drastic thing I did was delete Facebook. *insert gasps here* For those who know... Facebook probably consists about 23.5 hours of my day. ok not really but it does take a lot of time. It has been nice not having to go check it every five minutes and see what everybody else is up to. I will get it back when the time is right to be able to share photos and memories. But until then... Facebook free!
Now on to my job... I LOVE LOVE LOVE my job! It is taking care of a 9 year old boy who has down syndrome. He is so loving and an absolute doll. He calls me KK but when he says it it sounds like he is saying Cocoa. I have to be at his house by 7:15 am and I get him ready for school and then take him in the mornings. It is not easy getting up so early but once I see his shining face and that smile in the mornings it is totally worth it.
Classes are going well. Yes Mom, I really am attending all of them. :) I am taking 13 hours. Physiology, Abnormal Psychology, Physical Disabilities, and Statistics. I am hoping to not make any C's but that Physiology class will be a tough one to crack!
hmmm what else to fill you in on?? OOHH So I watched the VMA's the other day and watching Adele perform made me fall even more in love with her than before! She is simply amazing. I love her voice, the soul behind it, and how I can relate to her songs. I love the calming effect her voice has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDRwqTNLGDs&ob=av2n
She is coming to Texas October 21... Tickets are not too expensive. I REALLLLLY want to go. It would be so much fun. Maybe I can convince my mom to go with me... :) I also love this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEDA3JcQqw&NR=1
My parents come to visit next weekend Labor Day. I am excited. We are going to the football game, walmart (DUH!) and dinner and just have some family time. I also get to see the love of my life!! My little baby! I cannot wait to see my puppy. I miss her cuddling with me at night so much!!
Well I am off to bed. This is one sleepy girl! I just wanted to update everyone on some small things in my life :)
I promise to blog more now that I am at a computer everyday. I miss it!!
off to dream land...
Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia. - Charles M. Schulz